Monday, November 24, 2014

Email: Center Security ( Scam

Scam Score: 85 (Severe Risk)

Background: While reviewing emails in my inbox, I came across an email that was intended to look like Facebook warning me that a charge had been made on my account for 22.34 USD.

The link provided for me to login to "Facebook" actually resolves to which is obviously not Facebook. This server also appears to be hosting the websites:,, and which are obviously not owned by Facebook and seem sketchy themselves.

This email fails our tests by first, not identifying me personally. If anyone knows my name, it is Facebook (or at least the name I provide them). Second, the grammar and punctuation in the email are not professional. Third, the email is supposed to be from Facebook but the message ends with a reference to PayPal Security. PayPal and Facebook are not the same company. Purchases notifications from PayPal will never be from a Facebook email.

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