Saturday, September 14, 2013

Dove Christian Fellowship International Scam

As I have been looking for a new place to rent, I have come across an interesting group that people are referring to as "Dove International" or "Dove Christian Fellowship."

Originally I had found this cute little home and the price seemed about right for the area so I emailed right away as they had only left an email address for contacting about renting.  That should have been my first hint that it was a scam.

This is a little odd, but I have noticed that a lot of scammers have email addresses that end in or  Yahoo seems to be more popular for scams so if yous see only an email address for contact and a Yahoo email address, be weary.   This email address was

As I have come across various scams through renting before, I am always cautious when writing my emails.  I keep them short and sweet and ask very specific questions:

I am very interested in this home.  How much are utilities each month and would it be possible to see this home in person?  I know this area well and love that cute little house.

The lady named "Anne" wrote back:

Thanks for your interest and inquiries about our home. The house is still
available for rent and we are looking for a responsible person/family
to occupy and maintain the house. The house is available for short
and long term lease. My husband and I travelled down to Arizona, for a
program Empowering Youth to Fight Racism, HIV/AIDS, Poverty
and Lack of Education with Dove Christian Fellowship International.
The program is taking place in Many Countries. Later my husband was
transferred to West Africa for the same program. you can email my husband
for more information about our home, email my husband on or

At first I was confused because the first part of the email seemed legitimate.  They had also left a phone number which made it seem real.  However, upon further thinking about it, the email just sounded strange and unnatural for an owner who is renting their place to say so I marked it as spam.  Curious as to what would happen next, I decided to email her "husband" just to see what would happen.  I assumed that they would want my information and wired money so I made sure to keep my email short and sweet again:


Anne said I could email you about your Orem home rental.

Is the home internet ready?  Do the renters pay all utilities?  Also, I am interested in walking through the house with my family, so I'd like to be able to set up a time with you to do that.

The husband's email was exactly as I expected:

Hello Kim,

It great to hear from you, i got your email earlier from my wife about

you making inquiry of our home, 

Due to these program, we are unavailable to take care of our home
for now, We will be away for a while that is the reason why we made up
our mind to put up our home for lease to whom ever that will take good
care of it. Please i want you to note that we really spent a lot on
our property, so i will solicit for you absolute maintenance of this house
and want you to treat it as your own. , Deposit fee is $500.
you can call me on (+234) 809-755-0043.

The Utilities include Water, Trash, Sewer, Gas and Electricity, and it has been
included with the month rent.

Below is the house description:

Accommodation Features
.................................................. .
Wood Floor :
Heater :
Central Heating :
Equipped Kitchen :
Tv: Cable/Satellite TV:
Internet :
Air Conditioning:
• Full Kitchen
• Refrigerator:
• Garage/Car park
• pets allowed.

Application form has been attached with Agreement form, You can

download and fill it out, and email it back to me for Approval.

So get back to me when you get the done okay

I did not write back after that because they were not answering my questions and because I now had two telephone numbers for him and neither were the same - in fact, one was not even in the United States.  It also seemed to not be real because the last email I received was written in very poor English with odd wording.
Not all of these reasons as to why this Dove Christian Fellowship International is a scam will fit all emails - some may actually be legit.  Unfortunately, however, this one is a scam. 


  1. I inquired about a house on The name was under Judith Ferguson also responding to email her husband. The email addresses used were for the wife and

  2. and the husband's name was Mike Western with an email address

  3. Same email and everything only no longer using the word Dove in their emails. My husband works in IT so I said this seems odd. He looked up the names and numbers which didn't match who was living in the house. Found these names under multiple accounts on websites that were no longer posted (I'm sure removed as soon as they scammed someone). My husband, having and IT background was able to find

  4. their accounts and that their pages had been deactivated. Glad we didn't get scammed and don't want others to either. Because of this, I can't commit to anything else on and will be finding a realtor to work finding a rental!

  5. I have recently had the same experience. The email address is
